Summary / Details

Last modified on 29 December 2006.

* Calculated compared to the 1999 16S rRNA secondary structure model.
Date of Model 1980 1983 1984-86 1989-90 1993-96 Current (1999)
1. Approximate # Complete Sequences 2 15 35 420 1000 7000
2. % of 1999 Sequences 0.03 0.2 0.5 6.0 14.3 100
3. # BP Proposed Correctly * 284 388 429 450 465 478
4. # BP Proposed Incorrectly * 69 49 38 28 6 0
5. Total BP in Model (#3 + #4) 353 437 477 478 471 478
6. % of BP in This Model that Appear in the Current Model (#3 / 478) * 59.4 81.2 89.7 94.1 97.3 100
7. Accuracy of Proposed BP (#3 / #5) 80.5 88.8 89.9 94.1 98.7 100
8. # BP in Current Model Missing from This Model (478 - #3) * 194 90 49 28 13 0
9. # Tertiary BP Proposed Correctly * 4 8 15 25 35 40
10. % Tertiary BP Proposed Correctly * 10.0 20.0 37.5 62.5 87.5 100
11. # Base Triples Proposed Correctly * 0 0 0 0 0 6
12. % Base Triples Proposed Correctly * 0 0 0 0 0 100