Summary / Details

Last modified on 29 December 2006.

* Calculated compared to the 1999 23S rRNA secondary structure model.
Date of Model 1981 1984 1988-90 1992-96 Current (1997-2000)
1. Approximate # Complete Sequences 2 15 55 220 1050
2. % of 1999 Sequences 0.2 1.4 5.2 21.0 100
3. # BP Proposed Correctly * 676 692 794 836 870
4. # BP Proposed Incorrectly * 102 93 69 26 0
5. Total BP in Model (#3 + #4) 778 785 863 862 870
6. % of 1999 Model Proposed Correctly (#3 / 870) * 77.7 79.5 91.3 96.1 100
7. Accuracy of Proposed BP (#3 / #5) 86.9 88.2 92.0 97.0 100
8. # BP in Current Model Missing from This Model (870 - #3) * 194 178 76 34 0
9. # Tertiary BP Proposed Correctly * 4 3 29 49 65
10. % Tertiary BP Proposed Correctly * 6.2 4.6 44.6 75.4 100
11. # Base Triples Proposed Correctly * 0 0 0 2 7
12. % Base Triples Proposed Correctly * 0 0 0 28.6 100