Abbreviations used in this table:
Pos., the Escherichia coli reference sequence position number immediately prior to the
intron; # Int., number of introns presently known at that position.
Intron Types: I, Group I Introns; II, Group II
Introns; A, Archaeal Introns; S, Spliceosomal Introns; O,
Other Introns (Not Group I, Group II, Archaeal, or Spliceosomal).
Phylogeny: A, Archaea; B, Bacteria; E,
Cell Location: C, Chloroplast; M, Mitochondrion;
N, Nucleus.
Pos. |
# Int. |
Intron Type |
Phylogeny |
Cell Location |
I | II | A | S | O |
A | B | E |
C | M | N |
Pos. |
# Int. |
Intron Type |
Phylogeny |
Cell Location |
I | II | A | S | O |
A | B | E |
C | M | N |