Last modified on 13 August 2003.

Literature Reference:

Bhattacharya D., Simon D., Huang J., Cannone J.J., and Gutell R.R. (2003).
The Exon Context and Distribution of Euascomycetes rRNA Spliceosomal Introns.
BioMed Central Evolutionary Biology. 3:7.

Manuscript Figures and Tables:

Manuscript Figures ( Legends ) Figure 1: Logo analysis of 50 nt upstream and downstream of insertion sites of 43 different spliceosomal rRNA introns. JPG )
Figure 2: The distribution of SSU and LSU rRNA spliceosomal introns relative to the G-frequency in these genes. JPG )
Figure 3: Distribution of Euascomycetes spliceosomal introns on a conservation diagram of fungal SSU rRNA overlaid on a secondary structure model of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae SSU rRNA. JPG )
Figure 4: Analysis of rRNA intron distribution. JPG )
Manuscript Tables Table 1: Chi-square test of association of spliceosomal and group I introns with conserved rRNA sites HTML )
Table 2: Frequencies of fungal nucleotides at sites of spliceosomal intron insertion HTML )

Additional Figures and Tables:

Alignment files are included in two gzipped (compressed) text formats; many browsers will automatically uncompress these files. ALN, AE2 (Macke) format; GB, GenBank format. In addition to the sequences, the alignments also contain phylogenetic group dividers (using NCBI's taxomomy information) and several informational sequences which are not included in the counts below.
Conservation Data: Current Data: Full | Summary )
Manuscript Data (from 19 August 2002): Full | Summary )
Intron Positions: Intron Position and Cell Location Distributions: 16S | 23S )
Sequence Alignments SSU All Fungi (1434 sequences): ALN | GB )
Spliceosomal Intron-Lacking Fungi (1361 sequences): ALN | GB )
Spliceosomal Intron-Containing Fungi (73 sequences): ALN | GB )
LSU All Fungi (880 sequences): ALN | GB )
Spliceosomal Intron-Lacking Fungi (840 sequences): ALN | GB )
Spliceosomal Intron-Containing Fungi (40 sequences): ALN | GB )
Fungal Nucleotide Frequency Nucleotide Frequency Tables (reference: S. cerevisiae (U53879)) SSU | LSU )
E. coli-S. cerevisiae Translations for Intron Positions SSU | LSU )