Column headings: Introns are positioned relative to SSU and LSU rRNA sites for positions with a nucleotide in more than 95% of the sequences that are 1) 98-100%, 2) 90-97%, 3) 80-89%, and 4) either <80% conserved or positions that are present in <95% of the sequences in genes from: 3Dom2O, the three phylogenetic domains and two organelles; 3O, the three phylogenetic domains. Sites are the number of rRNA sites followed by group I and spliceosomal introns in each conservation class and the number of observed and expected introns (in brackets [under a null model of random insertion]) is shown for each gene. The P-values for each analysis are also shown. Significant probability values are marked with an asterisk.
  98-100% 90-97% 80-89% <80% Total P-value
3Dom2O: SSU rRNA sites 178 175 116 1073 1542 -
group I 11 [4.85] 5 [4.77] 5 [3.16] 21 [29.23] 42 0.0106*
spliceosomal 0 [3.00] 3 [2.95] 8 [1.96] 15 [18.09] 26 <0.0000*
3Dom2O: LSU rRNA sites 150 203 168 2383 2904 -
group I 10 [2.12] 4 [2.82] 4 [2.37] 23 [33.64] 41 <0.0000*
spliceosomal 3 [1.29] 8 [1.75] 2 [1.45] 12 [20.51] 25 <0.0000*
3Dom: SSU rRNA sites 355 156 80 951 1542 -
group I 17 [9.67] 3 [4.25] 1 [2.18] 21 [25.90] 42 0.0577
spliceosomal 4 [5.99] 9 [2.63] 2 [1.35] 11 [16.04] 26 0.0003*
3Dom: LSU rRNA sites 595 349 283 1677 2904 -
group I 17 [8.40] 5 [4.93] 1 [4.00] 18 [23.68] 41 0.0059*
spliceosomal 10 [5.12] 3 [3.00] 1 [2.44] 11 [14.44] 25 0.0969