Last modified on 29 June 2000.

The most and least abundant nucleotides are highlighted with bold and italic text, respectively.
(% Occurrence)
Unpaired (Loop) - 40% Paired (Helix) - 60% Nuc
Total 5' End Center 3' End Total 5' End Center 3' End
A (25.7%) 42.6% 29.3% 44.1% 53.5% 14.5% 14.4% 15.5% 10.6% A
G (31.4%) 23.6% 37.1% 19.5% 18.1% 36.6% 46.2% 35.7% 30.4% G
U (20.5%) 21.3% 23.3% 22.1% 17.4% 20.0% 13.5% 21.7% 20.9% U
C (22.4%) 12.5% 10.3% 14.3% 11.0% 29.0% 25.8% 27.1% 38.1% C