Last modified on 18 April 2012.

Table 3: Bond Angle Interaction Parameters for the CG Model of RNA Fitted by the Gaussian Function and Obtained from Statistical Structures

1-2-1 102.78 1.356
1-2-3 101.75 5.271
1-2-3'a 75.89 1.864
1-2-8 100.79 9.115
1-2-8' 74.40 2.386
2-1-2 106.18 2.040
2-3-4 154.72 7.130
2-3-5 104.12 12.734
2-3-6 153.94 8.162
2-3-9 108.78 10.611
2-8-4 163.79 6.794
2-8-6 163.79 6.794
2-8-7 88.99 15.930
3-4-9 66.45 35.882
3-5-6 79.38 16.156
3-6-5 48.06 21.701
4-3-9 48.33 49.428
4-7-8 49.44 24.490
4-8-7 79.78 29.398
4-9-3 65.22 17.290
5-3-6 52.57 50.065
6-7-8 50.54 38.613
6-8-7 79.46 31.109
7-4-8 50.84 29.033
7-6-8 49.98 30.600

a The prime in the table indicates the atom comes from its neighbor residue.