Last modified on 23 September 2003.
Literature Reference:
Goertzen, L.R., Cannone J.J., Gutell R.R., and Jansen R.K. (2003)
ITS Secondary Structure Derived from Comparative Analysis: Implications for Sequence Alignment and Phylogeny of the Asteraceae.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 29:216-234.
Manuscript Figures and Tables:
Figure 1: Secondary structure model for Asteraceae ITS1, 5.8S, and ITS2. Canonical base pairings are shown by solid lines, wobble pairs by dots. Sections of the 5.8S coding region pairing with 28S are in blue. | ( PS | PDF ) |
Figure 2: Overview of strict consensus tree from analysis of combined ITS1 and ITS2 data. Bootstrap values greater than 50% are shown. | ( PS | PDF ) |
Figure 3: Tree #1 of 34,560 equally parsimonious trees of length 9682 from analysis of combined ITS1 and ITS2 data. Nodes that collapse in the strict consensus tree are drawn as dashed lines. Branch lengths are indicated. |
( Panel A: PS | PDF ) ( Panel B: PS | PDF ) ( Panel C: PS | PDF ) |
Figure 4: 50% bootstrap consensus trees showing tribal relationships based on analyses of ITS and ndhF data for the 82 taxa matrix. | ( PS | PDF ) |
Figure 5: Tribal relationships based on combined ITS and ndhF data. Bootstrap values greater than 50% are shown. | ( PS | PDF ) |
Table 1: Characteristics of ITS data matrix used for phylogenetic analysis. | ( TABLE ) |
Table 2: Summary of characters from the 82 taxa of Asteraceae for which ITS and ndhF data are available. | ( TABLE ) |
Appendix A: 80% consensus sequence for each tribe. | ( HTML ) |
Additional Information:
Online Table: | Base-pair frequencies for the ITS1 and ITS2 base pairs. | ( TABLE ) |
ITS Sequence Alignment | Alignment in AE2 (Macke) Format (112 KB file; gzip compressed). | ( AE2 ) |
Alignment in GenBank Format (85 KB file; gzip compressed). | ( GB ) | |
Alignment in Nexus format (313 KB text file). | ( Nexus ) | |
List of Sequences in the Alignment. | ( HTML ) |