Data is presented for the thirty-one publicly-available sequences containing this inserted helix (thirty red algae and one brown alga, see Table 1).

Base-Pair 1 G:C 2 C:G A:U U:A G:U U:G Note 3
03:18 96.8 % --- 3.2 % --- --- --- A
04:17 16.1 % --- 71.0 % --- 12.9 % ---  
05:16 38.7 % --- 6.5 % 3.2 % 51.6 % --- B
06:15 --- 96.8 % --- --- --- 3.2 %  
07:14 96.8 % --- --- 3.2 % --- --- C
08:13 3.2 % --- 96.8 % --- --- ---  

  1. Base-pairs refer to the "Insertion Numbers" shown in Figure 1D (PDF).
  2. "---" represents base-pairing combinations which are not present at that base-pair.
  3. A, B, and C refer to the marked base-pairs in Figure 1D (PDF).